Unlock a world of exclusive benefits by joining one of our loyalty programs. Hotel Okura Amsterdam, as part of the Leading Hotels of the World as well as Okura Hotels & Resorts, offers two loyalty programs. Both programs offer exclusive benefits and access to members only amenities and events. In addition, with every visit you can earn points and enjoy special benefits and rewards.
To help you choose, we have listed all information you need regarding both memberships. When you have chosen your favourite, you can easily enrol for the one that suits you best. You can also choose to become a member of both programs. In case you need assistance with choosing or enrolling, please contact reservations@okura.nl or +31 20 6788 330.
One Harmony
One Harmony is a unique membership programme that rewards you whenever your visit Okura Hotels & Resorts, Nikko Hotels International and Hotel JAL City. No matter where you go in the world, you can earn points and enjoy special benefits and awards.
Book directly through www.oneharmony.com and receive a special rate as a One Harmony member.
What is in it for you at Hotel Okura Amsterdam?
Register before arrival and immediately enjoy the benefits of our One Harmony membership at no cost. With this membership you are entitled to:
- 10% discount on Room Service;
- 10% discount on treatments in Nagomi Spa;
- Complimentary bite in Serre when dining there;
- Welcome amenity for Loyal and Exclusive members.
Discover more about the bonus point allocation for rooms and for high-quality gift items.
Bonus points promotion
Register for our One Harmony Bonus Points Promotion and earn more points the longer you stay. Enjoy a chance to win up to 10,000 points for stays of 6 nights or more. Even with a single night stay, you’ll receive 100 points guaranteed.
Promotion Period:
* Registration from August 6th to November 10th 2024
* Stay dates from August 20th to November 20th 2024
Visit the One Harmony website to learn more about redeeming your points.
Leaders Club
As a Leaders Club member, you are welcomed as a distinguished guest at the more than 400 independent luxury properties that make up The Leading Hotels of the World. From day one, your stays will be made more meaningful with special recognition, including on-property benefits and members only rates while you earn toward even more rewarding travel experiences.
Book directly through www.okura.nl and receive a special rate as a Leading Club member.
What is in it for you at Hotel Okura Amsterdam?
Leaders Club membership is complimentary for everyone. You will enjoy Leaders Club member benefits from day one if you enrol before arrival. These benefits include:
- Upgrade priority upon arrival;
- Daily continental breakfast for two;
- Early check-in and late check-out upon availability;
- Welcome amenity;
- Up to 10% discount on your room reservation.
Get more out of your membership with the LHW app, designed to inspire and assist you during your stay with handy features.
Exclusive offer for Leaders Club Members
Unlock an unforgettable stay with the LC Immersive Experience, available exclusively to Leaders Club members. This curated package includes a luxurious stay with breakfast and a scenic canal cruise, offering relaxation and discovery. This offer is available for all room types and is bookable with a leading time of 3 days.